What this website is about
There’s been a huge investment in sales technology over the last decade. It was needed. Prior to 2005, sales was stuck in the old ways of the 1950’s door-to-door salesman. The “dam eventually broke” with hundreds of entrepreneurs getting into the market and convincing VC’s to back them with billions of dollars of investment in tools for sales teams.
Now in 2022, we’ve reached another inflection point.
AI is upon us and how to use it (and other related technology) is the next big driver in the evolution of professional sales. The early adopters of this technology (mostly SaaS companies) are using it largely to create more volume of activity. They have found that broadly speaking, more volume of outreach, equals getting in front of more people, equals more leads, equals more sales. But this volume focus has led to collateral damage.
More volume has led to more annoyance for prospective customers. More prospective customers are dealing with more emails, more cold calls, more forms to fill out on websites. As companies compete on volume, response rates drop, and more volume/annoyance is needed to just stand still.
Some people involved in selling see the future differently.
They don’t believe the next round of AI-enabled tech will be about more volume and more annoyance for the prospective client. They believe it will be about making sales more human again. Ironically going back to what some of the best salespeople did in the 20th century: building, maintaining and deepening relationships. They believe the next wave of tech will be about making sales more human than it is today, not less.
That is what this website is about.